Monthly Archives: July, 2013

N is for Normal (NO!)

Tammy Petry Normal is subjective.  Normal is relative.  Normal is something I hope I’ll NEVER be.  Normal is one of the worst names you can call me.  To me, normal is boring, conformist, and un-original. It’s everything I AM NOT. Some people spend thousands of dollars and countless hours of their time trying to be …

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Every Day Is a Good Day

Wilma Mankiller Reflections by Contemporary Indigenous Women Challenging and passionate are the voices in this gathering of proud indigenous women. Coming together as one, 19 strong and successful women provide a rare glimpse into their lives with the hope that their voices will be heard and their message understood: bear witness to the unforgivable acts …

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Johannes Sveinsson Kjarval Johannes Sveinsson Kjarval (1885 – 1972) was an Icelandic painter who lived for the sake of art and sometimes exchanged paintings for food and shelter.  Known for his landscapes, he stated, “All nature is a single symphony, all of it music.” More art by Johannes Sveinsson Kjarval