Shanna Groves
It took me two years before I’d let this much of myself show.
My bottle blonde hair
and palette of cosmetics
usually help me blend in with the other moms
who drive their children to sporting events on a warm summer afternoon.
I turn the wheel, hoping to avoid the stark reflection
that stares back in the rearview mirror.
A profile of me with the low ponytail says it all:
There is something different about me.
I am wearing hearing aids.
This is who I am.
I am slowly going deaf.
This was meant to happen,
to help me hear beyond what comes through
flawed ears.
-Reprinted with permission from the Lipreading Mom blog
-Hearing Aid bling by Hayleigh’s Cherished Charms
-Visit Shanna Groves’ website
- Posted in: Healing ♦ Healing Quotes and Poems ♦ Different ♦ Hayleigh's Cherished Charms ♦ Hearing Impaired ♦ Lipreading Mom ♦ Shanna Groves